I think your survey should have a fifth option: Perplexed, but where can I buy the branded tote bag? 🐦

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I landed here today after seeing “London Museum to display Fabric nightclub sign” in BBC news. I was somewhat perplexed whether this was just a museum in London, which is what it sounds like, or maybe some pretender: we know there is but one true museum of all that London is, it is a museum of London, and has (not always but for about 50 years) been so-called. Then I saw that nonsense about the pigeon. What the actual are these people thinking of - crap name, crap logo, neither of which represent it being a museum of London. . As a Londoner I feel quite angry and disappointed by this. Let’s start a campaign!

Oh, and thanks Maxwell for this awesome newsletter - hopefully if nothing else the pooing pigeon will help bring you more visitors 🙂

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